Monday, May 9, 2016


I got up early this morning and caught a taxi to the train station. I went in the very helpful ticket office they provide just for tourists and paid two dollars (sixty-five baht) for a second class ticket to Ayutthaya. My ticket was for the seven o'clock train, car eight, seat seven. We pulled out of the station at eight thirty.
To reach the part of town where most tourists stay, one walks out of the Ayutthaya train station, crosses the street and walks up a little lane to the river. The fare for the ferry is five baht and the boat runs to and fro all day. There is a regular bridge just down the road, but the ferry saves steps and is a lot more fun.

I found my hotel and left my luggage there while I walked around looking for a placeto eat. When I returned from lunch, they let me check in. I was tired from getting up early and from walking in the heat, so I took a nap. When I got up I rented a bicycle from the hotel and rode off to see the sights.

Around six hundred years ago Ayutthaya was a powerful city and there are ruins scattered over an area covering several miles. I must admit I was not very impressed by what I saw but it was pleasant enough pedaling around in the 100 degree heat. I experienced a first for me. I overtook an elephant on the road. It was unusual riding past an animal that big, but much better than dealing with a barking dog or something. The elephant was giving some tourists a ride.

The trouble with reclining Buddhas is that I always have trouble getting a good place photo of the whole figure. I doubt it will show up on Blogger, but there is a pigeon on the head of this figure. While I was visiting this image, a group of young monks showed up to pay their respects. They were maybe ten years old and were with an older monk, who taught them what to do and say. The older monk seemed really nice and was good with the kids.

I will head back to Bangkok in the morning for my last day in Thailand and SE Asia for this trip.


  1. Now THAT is one big Buddha! Wow! And elephants on the road! Don't think you'll ever see that here! :) Bikiing was a good idea! I imagine you can cover more territory that way - MC would be right on board with that! Funny how different the train system must be there. In Switzerland the trains are on time almost to the second!

  2. I chuckled at the 7:00 train that left at 8:30--and at your passing an elephant. Yes, I'd rather pass an elephant than try to outpedal a dog trying to bite me--all too often an occurrence on country roads. I can see a dot on the head of the reclining Buddha, but I'd never know it is a pigeon.
