Wednesday, May 11, 2016


If you look closely at this photo you can see two 7/11 signs. They are for two different stores. There was a third one just beyond the range of my phone's camera. I walked around this block and there were five 7/11 stores available without having to cross a street. Really handy if you need something they sell.

I ate supper at a street stall for one dollar, very good curry, nice and spicy. This was after spending the afternoon walking around just enjoying being in Bangkok. I saw the flower market and watched people setting up for the night market. I went back to the hotel before the market really got going. When they say "night market" in Bangkok, that's what they mean. It is not aimed at tourists but at locals. At 7:30 a lot of the stalls were still being set up. In Luang Prabang the night market closed up by 8:30 or so.

I watched boat traffic on the Chao Phraya for a while and tried to get a decent shot of a long boat. I don't think any of the shots I took are good, though. Informative rather than artsy.

Now it's off to Kolkata for at least a couple of days. I am not sure after that, but probably to Khajuraho then to Varanasi. Maybe in the reverse order.


  1. Have a wonderful time in India, and if you have a chance to visit Dad's grave, please leave a flower from me--and take a photo of its current condition. Weird about the many 7/11 stores!

  2. Hard to believe there are that many 7/11 stores in such a small area! There aren't that many here! Wonder if they sell Slurpees? :) The night market sounds really interesting! They must sleep late and do their work at night! When does Ian join you?
