Thursday, October 19, 2017


We are in Chiang Mai now, the last stop before Bangkok and our flight home. At the moment we are in a van with ten other tourists, heading to Doi Inthanon National Park, home of the highest peak in Thailand. We wanted to get out of town for a day and this was the path of least resistance.
The road quickly changed from tight, crowded streets to a big highway. Lots of traffic, people selling things from the side of the road and, of course, tropical foliage everywhere. The Thais drive on the left, just like in Singapore and Malaysia.
Yesterday we walked in the old part of Chiang Mai, visiting temples and a museum and an exhibit of textile art made by various hill tribes. As we walked, we passed schools and government compounds with walls around them and big areas of lawn and huge trees. Some buildings were built before the days of air conditioning, so they had big windows with shutters on them. It all made me feel nostalgic for the 60s in Singapore.

A word about the photos I post. They are all taken with my phone and some of them were stylized by Google. I am not able to get Blogger to consistently show photos and have been frustrated more than once by writing a post and then having it disappear. It seems to depend somewhat on how good my data signal is. At any rate, I will post this and then try to upload some photos.


  1. Sounds like an interesting day and tour! I can hardly believe it's almost time for you to go home!!!

  2. Well, this photo and its explanation came through beautifully.
