Sunday, October 8, 2017

The view from our hotel

We are enjoying our stay in Phnom Penh. Our hotel is called Villa Langka after the wat across the lane, Wat Langka. Wat means temple.

Yesterday we visited Wat Phnom, which gives the city its name. Penh means hill and Lady Phnom founded the wat on the hill. Then we went to a market that is nicknamed the Russian market because Russians did a lot of shopping there. It was hot and crowded but we (Laurie) did some shopping and we ate lunch there. In the evening we had supper with Mei Castor and her husband Dan, which was a real treat. Mei lived in the hostel my mother ran in Singapore and it was fun to visit with her and Dan.

This morning we took a tuktuk to the palace to see the sights. A highlight was a temple that is floored with silver tiles. That was followed by a visit to the national museum, where we saw statues from the Angkor era.


  1. So glad you got to see Mei! Another great day for you two!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful day all together. 😊
