Friday, October 6, 2017

Taking photos at Ayutthaya

We got to sleep at 2:30 this morning.

Bangkok has two international airports, one for major airlines and one for discount airlines. We arrived at 12:30 this morning at the major one and took a cab to our hotel, which is beside the minor one. Laurie woke up early this morning but was able to get back to sleep and we both got up at 11:00.
There is an instrument of torture my side of the bed, a small electronic box. It has multiple buttons, some of which control the lights, some signal to have the room made up or "do not disturb", and one controls a very shrill alarm. A previous occupant left the alarm set for 7:00 this morning. I thought the world was coming to an end. I punched random buttons but couldn't get the thing to stop shrieking until I woke up enough to put on my glasses so I could read the functions of the various buttons.
We took a leisurely hour to make tea and coffee, showered and walked across the street for lunch at a noodle stand. The proprietor spoke enough English to take our order (there was no menu) and we both had a very tasty bowl of soup. Two soups and a bottle of water came to 70 baht, about $2.20.
After lunch we walked across another road to the train station and paid 30 cents apiece to ride 45 minutes north to Ayuttha. Ayuttha used to be the capital of the Thai kingdom and the ruins are mostly ancient temples. We hired a tuktuk to take us around the sites, finishing up at the spot where I took this photo. We are now on the train heading back to our hotel.


  1. Sounds like a good deal on lunch‼️ And you COULD have just unplugged the alarm‼️ Or maybe it's a unique unpluggable one‼️😂

    1. I was so sleepy and jet lagged I couldn't figure anything out at the time. I found the "off" button when I remembered to put on my glasses.

  2. Having an unwanted alarm go off is no fun, but the rest of your day sounds fabulous.
